Why Not Your Warm Market?
April 27, 2011

I have been working very part time over the past few years in online marketing. There is so much I have learned however I wonder if you have noticed, as I have, how quickly things can change online? I mean the many methods to market online that I learned only 4 years ago are now either old, do not work anymore, or completely changed so you have to learn the method all over again (i.e. Facebook & Google Pay Per Click).

So as I struggle in the little time this stay at home mom of 4 (and currently 5 since my husband is home due to shoulder surgery) to stay on top of the newest and greatest online marketing strategies I am realizing something. Let me ask you this.”When was the last time you told anyone in your local warm market about your business and or products?” Are you like so many would have to say NEVER if you were to answer this question honestly?

You are not alone trust me. I have been very scared of my local warm market for some time however recently my eyes have been opened. I have realized that for the current business I am in I am crazy not to be sharing both my products and opportunity with my warm market! Maybe you need to take a look at what you are doing and see if you should re open the door and learn how to approach that market in a comfortable and natural way.

Here is what helped me open my eyes. My husband and I recently booked ourselves a booth at a local Community Trade Show. It was a 3 day show that offered a lot of traffic. Many were not people we knew however the interesting part we observed was that every person who visited us that day who knew us purchased our product right there on the spot to try. Yes we had other sales but the key note we took home was why do we not talk more to people we know about our product. I mean we know it works 100% of the time and it has a 100% Money Back Guarantee and can save these people a tonne of money especially with the way process are currently at the gas pumps. So why are we putting all our focus on online advertising when these people who live right in our own community want to save money and possibly even make some money just like everyone else yet we were ignoring them!

So we have now had our eyes opened. Yes we will always continue to learn and teach online marketing as it does work it just takes a lot of learning to get into the bigger online traffic. The current key to success for us and for our business however is that we need to talk to EVERYONE! We need to do our part to at the very least offer for them to look what we have to offer and allow them the opportunity to decline. If you do this I can guarantee you that with the right product that can help a person and will in no way harm them, you will be happily surprised at your sales. These people already know and trust you so there is no reason they will not listen to you if you offer them the chance.

So if you currently work online and have always had that as your focus and never talked to your local warm market, then I challenge you to do what you have not done before. Get out there and see if you can make a list of 100 people in your warm local market who say no to checking out your product. If you do this I can guarantee that you will increase your sales in your business and be able to help others in your organization to increase their sales as well!

This is a win win challenge so let’s get out there and try it and share with others your success! I know I will be challenging not only myself to get 100 people in my local market to say no but I will be challenging my entire team to go out and do the same. If your product flat out works like mine does then there is no reason you should be afraid to share it with others online like we do at www.GreenPaysYou.com or offline in your warm markets!

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