My Cinch Journey…
June 30, 2012

My journey began back in 2006 at my first ever Shaklee Global Conference, the year Cinch was launched.  After having had 3 kids I was much over weight and needed to get it off.  I went home, started Cinch and took every pound off that I had gained through having 3 kids and found myself lighter than I was even before having kids.  I was excited to not only have it off but to see every pound of it stay off, that is up until we decided to have baby #4 in 2009.

Cinch Journey 2006Of course I put back on the weight during my pregnancy but stayed on 1 shake per day just as part of a good diet.  And have to report that I had the best pregnancy of all 4, my Shaklee pregnancy!  However after our 4th child was born I found myself putting me last, after all I now had a baby and 3 others to run after and put before myself.   During the next 2 years I found myself getting more and more lost.  Not only had i kept almost every pound of that pregnancy with me, I had let my Shaklee business  fall apart and started putting my health last.  We missed our first ever Global conference last summer since joining Shaklee and then in the fall of 2011 while dealing with finding out that one of our children had a mental health disorder, I one morning after trying to get kids to school found myself closed in my closet crying uncontrollably!!

I sat there that day in my closet and told myself, “I need my life back, I need Shaklee back!”.  I knew that only a few years previous I was happy, healthy and living the Shaklee life and I missed every part of it!  So when the Cinch Transformation promotion was launched in January 2012, I decided it was time.   I set forth on a mission to put Shaklee back in my life!

I not only began rebuilding my Shaklee business I began the very busy mom version of Cinch!  I call it the busy mom version as I have to admit, it is not the full on Cinch, it’s the one this mom could make work.  I honestly do not know my beginning weight as 2 weeks in we discovered that our scale was broken and was not even close to reading correctly.  However I had done all my measurements as I believe this to truly be an Inch Loss plan.

What I did is I replaced 2 meals per day with Cinch shakes or meal in a bars.  I also drank 2 glasses of Cinch Tea every day, one soon as I rolled out of bed to help me stay focused and get the kids out the door, only then did I get time for my shake, and another glass mid afternoon just before the older kids came home from school.  I started being diligent about taking my Vitalizer every day as well as my Vivix and beyond that I eat whatever I could whip together for supper, keeping in mind portion sizes, before we had to rush off to the kids after school activities.

Regarding Exercise, well as  a mom of 4 in a small rural town with no gym facilities and it being the middle of winter in Alberta, I had to get creative.  I realized that I was spending a minimum of 3 days per week sitting in hockey rinks doing nothing, so instead of sitting there I took this time to walk up and down the bleachers in the cold hockey rink!!  Beyond this I have always been one to love to walk so if I don’t need to drive, I DON’T!!  I WALK!!Cinch Journey 2012By doing this  I was ecstatic to see myself in the first 12 weeks lose a total of 10 inches off my body.  The largest areas were, 3.25 off my waist & 1.75 off both my chest and hips.  I have continued on Cinch since and have to admit, YES I HAVE CHEATED HERE AND THERE, I mean come on I am a mom!!  However I went on my own little shopping trip to the city a couple weeks ago as I had found myself with a closet full of clothes that were TOO BIG!!  I have to say what an exciting day that was!!  For the first time that I can ever remember I had to keep putting things back in exchange for a smaller size!!  It turns out that I have gone from a size 12 to finding even a size 8 a bit loose!  Not to mention the fact that I now have people constantly commenting to me on how great I look and asking, have you lost a bunch of weight!!  The other amazing thing this has all done is, it has brought Shaklee back in my life!

Before & After in PurpleI am back building Shaklee and I am sharing my Story by hosting ‘Cheers To A Healthier You’ parties! Since January I have 34 new members join my personal group and I have enrolled my first ever distributor globally, in Indonesia!!!  Not only has Cinch given ME BACK, it has allowed me to be a much happier and healthier mom to my kids and husband and thanks to Cinch I am back on track sharing Shaklee and I can hardly even wait to see what all this momentum that I have created will bring to myself and my team in the Shaklee New Year!!!   Cinch can be made to work for anyone, you just have to find how to make it fit into your life and with Cinch it is so easy, it is not a chore but a fw simple changes that can be made and I am so over the moon excited as I know that this time the weight will stay off forever now that my family is complete!!

Thank You SHAKLEE, not only did you help me get healthier and give me motivation to do this, you gave me my life back and that is beyond words!!!

** To learn more about the Cinch Inch Loss Program go to or contact me for details…

Update to January 2016…

The Cinch program was re-branded to be called Shaklee 180.  Same amazing products just with a new name & look.  I thought I should give an update of my current status  4 years after I began this Journey in 2012.


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