My Life
What will you do once you have reached your Financial Goals?
December 10, 2012

Do you ever sit back and image what your life will look like one day once you reach those financial goals you have set for yourself?  Do you see you self living in that beautiful home on the lake, or sitting on a beach soaking up the rays?  Or maybe you see yourself buying all the latest greatest gadgets and driving that car of your dreams?

Well when I look at my life once I have reached my financial goals I think I may see it a wee bit different than others.  But what I see is so powerful that it will bring me to tears!  Yes I plan to have a really nice house, out on an acreage where there is no hussle bustle and you can stare at the mountains on the horizon and enjoy that fresh air each day!  I also know I will be able to drive that convertible I have always wanted and be able to buy whatever prom and wedding dress my daughters want!  However after that I see something very different that I want to do with my life…

You see for me, I simple want to feel complete and udder joy in my life.  That day that I hit where I do not have to live pay check to pay check and I have the time freedom thanks to the leverage I have created for my life and I have the financial freedom to do as I please this is what I want to do.  I want to have the ability to travel to whatever location in the world needs me at that time.  I want to help people build homes for those who do not have one.  I want to dig water trenches where they are needed.  I want to plant trees along side hard working people.  I want to provide food and shelter in whatever way it is needed.  If a family loses their home to a fire, I want to be there to help them build it all back again.  If a local organization needs help organizing a function, I want to be there to help.  Whatever it is, when time and money are not a factor in my life, I want to help make the lives of others better!  I want to see the world in the eyes of others and not as a rich person in fancy hotels would see it.  I want to experience every corner of the world like a local would and offer to help in any way that I can to make their lives just a little bit better!

No that is right,  I do not want to spend every day sitting on a beach or traveling around acting like I am better than others.  Cause I am not, I simply want to work hard in my life to be able to offer to my personal family anything that they need in life and also treat others in this world just like family and offer them the same.  I want to get my hands dirty because at the end of my life I want to feel that I lived life to its fullest and every single day have done something to better another’s life.  It kind of works in the world of Pay It Forward.  Do good for others and they may just pass that on!

So what do you plan to do with your life when you have reached your financial goals?  I encourage you to comment below and let me know what you plan to do with your life.  Don’t be scared to share if you do plan to sit on a beach and relax your days, there is nothing wrong with that, it is just not what my heart feels I was here to do.  But whatever your dreams and plans are please post them here and let’s verbally share what we want to do when that day comes to us, cause if you believe in it and work hard each and every day, your dreams can be reality!

Cheers To A Great Life!

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