How we spent Earth Hour in the Aellen Home…
March 27, 2011

So last night from 8:30 PM until 9:30 PM was Earth hour.  Yes I will admit, I like possibly many of you did not even realize that last night was the night, however my father-in-law stopped by to drop off some stuff for us and asked us at 8:23 if we were turning out the lights for Earth Hour.  I quickly did a Google search and sure enough March 26th, 2011 @ 8:30 PM it was Earth Hour.

So without much preparation we turned off all the computers in the house (not very often this happens) and shut off all the lights, turned of the TV and even the radio.  The kids were all confused as we did not have time to explain to them first and it was bed time for them.  So off they went to bed in the dark and now Andrew & I had to decide how we would spend the next 60 mins in the dark?

Well at first we both just sat quiet on the couch.  Not sure honestly what to do and then I decided, Andrew went and made us a cup of tea (yes I know it did use power to boil the kettle oops) and the two of us sat down and talked about future goals we have for our business and rewards for reaching those goals.  Andrew has been reading a book lately and one of the chapters talks about how you need to have a reward for when you reach your goals, something that can help drive you to them.

So as it turned out, we had a very productive hour to talk to one another and get on the same page as to where we want to go with our business.  So here is my question to you, “What are your goals and how will you reward yourself when you reach those goals?”  I invite you to post and share not only the goals but more importantly I invite you to share what you will do to reward yourself when you reach them!

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1 comment

  1. Hello Jackie, great information about Earth Day and setting goals. I didn’t realize it was Earth Day but I guess I was celebrating it. I was reading a novel, enjoying some time away from the computer. It sounds like you had a productive hour and it’s certainly given me some food for thought. Thanks for sharing.

    Nina Nestoroff